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  연합감리교회 장학금 신청
  - 일 정 : 2018년 1월 3일
Once again, the Baltimore-Washington Conference will be awarding scholarships for qualified students currently attending college, as well as high school seniors who plan to attend college in the fall of 2018. The application process opens on Jan. 3 and closes March 7, 2018. A variety of scholarships are offered to fit the diverse needs of our students. To be considered for a scholarship, students must complete the full online application which includes uploading their current transcripts. In addition, the student must provide contact information for their pastor and one additional church reference. The pastor and reference will be contacted and asked to submit information on the student’s participation in the local church. The entire process will be done online for ease of the student, pastor, and reference.     For details about the individual scholarships or to apply for a scholarship, please visit www.bwcumc.org/administration/finance/local-church-resources/scholarships/.

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